Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Audit History Screen

The Audit History screen enables users to view a detailed history of all changes and actions taken on an application. All data modified on an application is captured and organized into data collections to give context to the item(s) added, updated, or deleted.

There are fields automatically flagged for audit in the database, but additional fields can be flagged as well. For assistance with flagging additional fields for audit, please contact a Temenos Customer Care Specialist via a Request case on the Collaboration Portal.
When custom fields are added, updated, and/or deleted during the application process, a record is included in the audit history.

Within the Audit History screen, each modification made to a field is tracked in a grid containing the following columns:

Column Name Description
Description Displays a description of the auditable action performed within the application.

Displays the name of the user who performed the audit action. For each audit action executed, one of the following may appear to identify the user associated with the action:

  • Name of the Logged In User - appears for actions performed by the end-user as a result of clicking a button or link.
  • Lending System User - appears for actions performed in the background that are not initiated by the end-user, such as automated decisioning, system calculations, and event processing.
Date Displays the date and time that the audit entry was processed in the application. This information displays in the following format: MM/DD/YY 00:00:00.000.
Type Displays the type of modification performed.

By default, the Audit History screen displays all modifications made over the previous month, but the information that appears can be adjusted using the following options in the top toolbar:

Sort Option Description
From/To Click within the From box and/or To box to display a calendar and specify the date range in which modifications should be returned. 
Description Enter a description of the desired modification within the text box to return all records including the specified text.

Select an element from the drop-down list to filter the results that appear within the Audit History grid. This drop-down contains a list of the audit types recorded for the application.


Select All to display all of the data that has been modified within the application.

The Type drop-down defaults to All.
Exclude System Users Select the check box to exclude all audit actions performed by the Lending System User and only display the audit activity performed by an end user.

Within the top of this screen, users are also provided with the ability to perform the following actions:

Button Description
Enables the ability to refresh the Audit History screen and display the most up-to-date information within the grid.
Enables the ability to export the information that appears within the Audit History screen to Microsoft Excel.
Enables the ability to print the information that appears within the Audit History screen.

Data Collections

Data within the Audit History grid is organized into collections of audit types. Each collection can be expanded to display detailed information about the changes made and actions taken during the application process.

Audit type collections are displayed within the screen according to the date and time they were added. The most recent modifications made to the application appear at the top of the grid.

Each audit type that appears within the Audit History screen consists of a collection of audit actions performed during the application process. These actions include items performed by the end-user, such as updating an application, decisioning an application, or saving a screen, as well as those items that are not directly performed by the end-user such as event processing and calculating an application. Users can expand each element until the updated fields are reached, as well as collapse elements to ensure that only relevant information appears on the screen.

Elements within the Audit History Grid

The first element in each collection displays the initial action performed by the Loan or Account Origination module user, known as the parent action. This action represents the type of auditable information recorded within the audit log.

Reference the following for an overview of the audit types that may appear within the Audit History Screen:

ShowAudit Types

The initial audit actions that may appear within the audit log are as follows:

When a new application is created, Collection Added, Collection Removed, and Field Changed events do appear as auditable actions under the Add a New Application item, but this information does not reflect updates made per the triggering of an event/action pairing. While these events do occur as part of the application initialization process, the Collection Added, Collection Removed, and Field Changed events configured in Event Processing are only triggered AFTER an application is already created.
When an application is manually disbursed, an audit entry for "Application was Manually Disbursed" appears under the Disburse Application audit type and identifies the name of the user who disbursed the application.

In the example below, a parent action that appears is Save Screen - Phones:

By clicking  next to an element, the parent action can be expanded to view the fields that were modified as a result of that action, as well as any sub-parent records and/or additional actions that may have occurred. Any additional actions recorded are known as child actions. 

As a part of the initial Save Screen action, the application was updated, therefore a sub-parent record of Updated Application appears in the below example:

When this record is expanded, the child actions are displayed. Child actions provide a detailed summary of the auditable items that were added, updated and/or deleted as a result of the initial parent action. Expanding each child action displays the fields that were updated during the action and/or any additional child action(s) that may have been performed.

In the example below, expanding Updated Application provides a record of the applicant that was updated, which can then be further expanded to view the specific phone information that was saved within the screen.

The audit descriptions for each child action are populated by a specific formula within the database. For some audit descriptions, this formula pulls from user-defined lookup values in Field Configurations. For example, when phone information is updated as shown in the example above, the formula pulls the value from the PHONE_TYPE lookup. Since the values within the PHONE_TYPE lookup can be modified, the system administrator can configure how the audit description appears within the Audit History screen.

The following table provides an overview of the items that may appear for audit, the formula that is used to populate the item and an example of how the information is presented within the Audit History screen:

Within the formula column, values displayed in an ellipsis ({}) denote a lookup value from Field Configurations. Values in brackets ([]) are populated from a field in the application. Within the Example column, the bold text indicates a lookup value.

Audit Item Formula Example


{ADDRESS_TYPE} Address – [Address1]

Added Current Address – 111 Sesame Street


{AGGREGATE} Aggregate

Added Total Annual Income Aggregate


(Applicant Type) – [Full Name]

The value that appears for Applicant Type is populated from the Lending.ApplicantType table in the database. The applicant type identified for an applicant, either through Make Primary, the Add Applicant window or Applicant Type drop-down, is the value that populates in the Audit History.

Updated Joint Applicant – Doc Brown

Application Funding

{FUNDING_TYPE} Funding – [Amount]

Added Check Funding – 25000.00



Deleted Vehicle Asset

Authorized User

Authorized User – [First Name] [Last Name]

Added Authorized User – Jane Doe



Updated Real Estate Collateral

Counteroffer Aggregate

{AGGREGATE} Aggregate

Added Available Equity Aggregate

Counteroffer Ratio

{RATIO} Ratio

Added Loan To Value Ratio



Deleted Retirement Income


{TRADE_TYPE} Liability

Added Installment Liability


Payee – [First Name] [Last Name]

Added Payee – Marty McFly



Updated Home Phone


{RATIO} Ratio

Added Loan Payment To Income Ratio


{REFERENCE_TYPE} Reference – [Full Name]

Added Relative Reference – John Doe



Added Proof of Identification Stipulation


[Text] To-do

Updated Paystub Required To-do


Vendor – [Name]

Added Vendor – Temenos Demo

When an encrypted custom field is updated the Audit History screen masks the values. For example:

  • If the field was originally blank, the Audit History screen displays Updated <custom field name> from [blank] to *****.
  • If the field previously had a value entered, the Audit History screen displays Updated <custom field name> from **** to *****.
For more information on user-defined lookup values, please see the Field Configurations topic within this guide. 



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